Freestyle day

Nice to get out and about with my freestyle drone (Armattan Marmotte) today. First flight since being repaired (not the one I fixed in my previous post). A pretty rough flight bonking the ground a couple of times and nicking the trees.
One thing I'm noticing with this one is the weight of the GoPro. I'm used to flying it with a GoPro Hero Session 4, and have recently upgraded to the Hero 9, which is pretty much twice as heavy. I'd already found the reduced flight times from flying the empty field near my house, but flying around trees and doing acrobatics, I really started to notice things.
I'm thinking I'm going to put some Gemfan 51433 propellors on this one. I currently use Azure LCP (5140) props, so I'm hoping the extra pitch will help carry the weight better. We'll see. Not sure if higher pitch and slower RPM is better with these motors than lower pitch with higher RPM. It'll be a good experiment. Also, I'm running low on the Azure's, and everywhere seems out of stock currently, so there's that too.
Interestingly, my last battery pack was cut short due to a propellor coming undone from the motor (this is why we don't fly over people or precious property). My guess is the lock nut was old and no longer locking, but interestingly I've never heard of that before. Will be interesting to see if that happens again going forward.